Marfa Mystery Lights (2019), Mosaic by Kristin Javier
Artist description: I undertook an artistic pilgrimage last spring to view the landscape-driven permanent installations in Marfa, Far West Texas. This Mosaic represents the still unexplained phenomenon of floating white orbs and multicolored flashes in the night sky, the mystical Marfa Lights.
Artist Bio: I am a Mosaic Artist, following a career as a teacher and translator. My training began in Ravenna, Italy with Roman/Byzantine techniques and traditional cutting using hammer and hardie (chisel) and has evolved with additional exploration with fellow artists. My art attempts to express emotion by breaking through the two dimensions historically associated with Mosaic into the sculptural and even the surreal.
I have lived an interesting life in many ways, one filled with travel and educational opportunities. But during two different decades I have experienced the loss of a few years at a time. My art is therefore shaped by lovely memories as well as by trauma and life-threatening illness. Through Mosaic Art I have discovered metaphor, meditation, and a means of creating something beautiful from all the broken shards. I am grateful for every step of the journey.