Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Po’Jazz:Playdates with Poetry and Jazz
Yonkers Poet Laureate Community Outreach Series
at Blue Door Art Center 13 Riverdale Ave.
Light Refreshments
4th Sundays of the month, 2pm - 4pm
Sunday, Sept.22.
Guest Poet: Pamela Laskin
Special Guest Musician: Saxophonist JD Parran
Gallery Band:
CHRISTOPHER DEAN SULLIVAN, Griot storyteller/bass
AYANA LOWE, vocals
DAVID LOWE, keyboard
FEATURED POET: golda Solomon
Come and enjoy a relaxed Sunday afternoon
Creativity table for kids
Young poets and musicians welcome to ‘jam’ with the galley trio
Bring your instrument/ Bring your words
Invited mic for guest poets and musicians
INFO: 914 375 5100 or 914 207 0477
Sugested Donation $1
Blue Door Art Center
13 Riverdale Ave
Yonkers, NY 10701
United States