On The Edge: Our Thanksgiving Address
Saturday, November 29th @ 8pm
On the Edge and in between the Hudson Valley and NYC, are we, here in Yonkers, yearning to be heard and needing to be seen. On the Edge of a conscious revolution, an artistic explosion, and a community salvation for our youth! as we create the net web for the seekers to land onto.
On the land, from where we came, seekers by no other name, to spread the word through spoken word...they call it oral history. On the Saturday Night after the Thursday/Friday family festivities, we will be at Blue Door Gallery remembering the origins of Thanksgiving, right here in the Northeast, from the Haudenosaunee Tribe (known by the French as the Iroquois).
At the time of the great harvest, there is a community feast of gratitude,sharing,and harmony; but first, the address. "The Thanksgiving Address is of great importance to the Haudenosaunee. The Ohenton Karihwatehkwen, which actually means the words before all else, is said to open and close all civil meeting... It is very hard to put this unique relationship and awareness into words, other than to say that the Thanksgiving Address teaches mutual respect, conservation, love, generosity, and the responsibility to understand that what is done to one part of the Web of Life, we do to ourselves".
Come to this very special "On the Edge" that honors the land we live on and the people that embraced us, as we annually celebrate that beginning of a conversion of communities, maybe without thinking about the roots.
Along with our artists and poets, (addressing one another) we will hear the Thanksgiving Address and enjoy native drum and flute music. Bring your dancing shoes and your free spirit. *suggested donation $5*